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  1. Industrial Mobile Robotics Development Kit for Industry Research & Education
    Categories: Product Review

    Industrial Mobile Robotics Development Kit for Industry Research & Education

    ORMi Mobile Robot makes development simpler If you've developed a mobile robot, you'll know how difficult and frustrating it is to find compatible components and how challenging the process of putting them together, configuring the hardware, programming the software and getting them to talk each other usually is. All of that goes away when you use ORMi as the base...
  2. Exploring Hell. NASA Wants Your Help Designing a Venus Rover Concept
    Categories: General News Snippets & blog

    Exploring Hell. NASA Wants Your Help Designing a Venus Rover Concept

    NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is running a public challenge to develop an obstacle avoidance sensor for a possible future Venus rover. The "Exploring Hell: Avoiding Obstacles on a Clockwork Rover" challenge is seeking the public's designs for a sensor that could be incorporated into the design concept.     Venus is an extreme world. With a surface temperature in excess of...
  3. How to Build a Magnetic Track Guided AGV
    Categories: blog

    How to Build a Magnetic Track Guided AGV

    Perfect for simple and low-cost AGV applications, AGV guiding by magnetic tape has become more widely used in recent years. The magnetic tape can be installed quickly and easily by the system operator and the track can be modified later. Continue reading →

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