“Give them tools and toys like a robotics kit…LEGO® MINDSTORMS® or if they’re older, get them Arduino or Raspberry Pi and just watch what happens.” Some sound advice posted on the Rethink Robotics blog from Sasha Wilkinson who spent some time during his studies working with Rethink Robotics, the creators of the Sawyer and Baxter Collaborative Robots, and as school term begins once again, it’s advice we aim to follow. One of our goals at Active Robots is to support facilities wanting to explore more STEM subjects and other educational research. We provide Baxter and Sawyer Robots to universities and colleges and LEGO® Education products, such as the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 and LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0 classroom sets to secondary and primary schools and colleges. We, like Sasha, think it’s important to encourage study in STEM subjects from an early age, which is why products, such as the LEGO® Education sets, are so important, they not only give pupils the ability to experience programming and engineering from a young age, but they also come complete with built-in lesson plans to support teaching staff too. In fact, we have many products to suit a variety of age ranges that would help encourage coding and engineering in the classroom, such as Phidgets, Turtlebots and more. Make sure to look at our website, staging.active-robots.com, to find out more. You can read more about Sasha’s experience at Rethink Robotics from their article here: If you want more information about how we can help with products to aid STEM education, including LEGO® classroom sets which are being offered at a discounted rate until 1st October, and other robotic kits or to find out about the possibility of work experience with our engineers, get in touch with the team on [email protected]