Seven facts about the STEM workforce
We stumbled across this article detailing seven facts about the STEM workforce in the US and as we care about encouraging growth in STEM subjects, we thought it would be an interesting discussion point for here in the UK.
According to a survey completed in the US, STEM occupations have grown 79% since 1990 and uncovered some interesting facts about the workers who focus on STEM subjects and these facts can be attributed to the UK as well.
Firstly the survey found that STEM workers in general received a higher salary than those not working in the Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths fields. Which might be one way to encourage pupils to engage more with this subjects! Alternatively, the survey also found that a third of workers in STEM fields in the US hadn't completed a degree, which does take the edge off a bit. We've heard that many students feel intimidated by the prospect of entering a STEM environment because of how highly educated they are expected to be, but as this isn't the case, could this be another way to get more pupils engaging with STEM subjects?
You can read the whole article here to see the seven facts uncovered by the survey. Can we use these facts to help aid some of the more hesitant pupils into STEM subjects?
If you want to introduce your students to STEM subjects, we have a range of resources available on our store, from robotic kits and components to full classroom sets using easily recognisable Lego® bricks which are also suitable for cross-curricular learning. Take a look around the products that are on offer and speak to our sales team if you have any questions.