Categories: blog
How to Build a Magnetic Track Guided AGV
Perfect for simple and low-cost AGV applications, AGV guiding by magnetic tape has become more widely used in recent years. The magnetic tape can be installed quickly and easily by the system operator and the track can be modified later. Continue reading → -
Categories: blog
Pololu Range and Robots
Pololu is one of Active Robots’ most popular ranges. Continue reading → -
Categories: blog
Local young engineers win FIRST® LEGO® League UK
A team of young engineers from Bath have been crowned champions of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) FIRST® LEGO® League UK and Ireland competition. Continue reading → -
Last year LEGO Education® joined forces with the government’s Year of Engineering campaign and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) to give more children around the country the opportunity to meet engineering role-models and to take part in engaging STEM activities, as part of the Engineers of the Future competition. Continue reading →
Categories: blog
UnicornBot will help kids learn STEM and coding.
Robots are an important part of STEM education, and there are many robots that can help children to learn coding. This Robot from UBTECH Robotics is different as it has a purple mane, four legs, and a light-up horn. Continue reading → -
Categories: blog
Robots in Education
Young children have been proven to be significantly more likely than adults to have their opinions and decisions influenced by robots. Continue reading → -
Raphaël, RoboteQ's European Business Manager, travelled from Geneva to visit Active Robots last week. He was showing us the multiple uses that their products have, as well as how they can be implemented. Continue reading →
Categories: blog
Why should robots be used in schools?
With robots slowly infiltrating our daily lives, surely there should be more of them in schools helping children get used to working alongside automation and gaining experience in Technology and Science subjects which are coming to dominate the workplace. So, why should schools start using robots in their lessons? Continue reading → -
Categories: blog
Time to tackle STEM reluctance?
The Irish Times recently posted an article where they examined a report that looked into the reasons why students continued to avoid STEM subjects in school. They, along with AbbVie, hosted an event to explore how industry and education leaders in Ireland can work together to create more engagement with Science, Technology, English and Maths subjects in school environments and in the article shared their findings. Continue reading →
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