Humidity Phidget
Measure relative humidity from 0 to 100% and temperature from -40°C to +85°C.
Measure relative humidity and air temperature, in non-condensing environments, with the HUM1001. This Phidget is useful for environmental controls and weather monitoring. This Phidget connects to your computer through a VINT Hub.
- Measure Relative Humidity from 0% to 100%
- Measure Temperature from -40°C to +85°C
- Retrieve data as often as every 500 milliseconds
- Lower noise and higher accuracy than previous Phidgets humidity sensors
Product Specifications
VINT Communication Speed Max | 10 kbit/s |
Humidity Min | 0%RH |
Humidity Max | 100%RH |
Humidity Resolution | 0.01%RH |
Humidity Response Time Max | 10s |
Sampling Interval Min | 500ms/sample |
Sampling Interval Max | 60s/sample |
Humidity Error Max | ±2%RH |
Ambient Temperature Min | -40°C |
Ambient Temperature Max | 85°C |
Temperature Error Typical (At 25°C) | ±0.2°C |
Temperature Error Max | ±1°C |
Temperature Resolution | 01°C |
Sampling Interval Max | 60s/sample |
Sampling Interval Min | 500ms/sample |
Current Consumption Max | 100µA |