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Tax Class
All Taxable Goods Shipping
100mm 200mm 25mm 300mm 50mm Length 117mm [MMCX100] Length 350mm [MMCX350] Length 1" Length 125mm [SMA-125] Length 225mm [SMA-L225] Screws 6-32 x 0.250" (50 Pack) [275-0659] Screws 6-32 x 0.500" (50 Pack) [275-1169] Screws 8-32 x 0.250" (100 pack) [275-1002] Screws 8-32 x 0.250" Locking [275-1260] Screws 8-32 x 0.375" (100 pack) [275-1003] Screws 8-32 x 0.500" (100 pack) [275-1004] Screws 8-32 x 0.500" Locking [275-1261] Screws 8-32 x 0.625" (100 pack) [275-1005] Screws 8-32 x 0.750" (100 pack) [275-1006] Screws 8-32 x 0.875" (100 pack) [275-1007] Screws 8-32 x 1.000" (100 pack) [275-1008] Screws 8-32 x 1.250" (50 pack) [275-1009] Screws 8-32 x 1.500" (50 pack) [275-1010] Screws 8-32 x 1.750" (50 pack) [275-1011] Screws 8-32 x 2.000" (25 pack) [275-1012] 3/16" .1875"L x 6-32 50mm Length 1.5 inches 1/4" .250"L x 6-32 100mm Length 2" Length 3 inches 150mm 5/16" .3125"L x 6-32 Length 3" Length 3.75 inches 200mm 3/8" .375"L x 6-32 Length 4" Length 4.5 inches 250mm 7/16" .4375"L x 6-32 Length 5" Length 6 inches 1/2" .500"L x 6-32 300mm Length 6" Length 7.5 inches 9/16" .5625"L x 6-32 Length 7" Length 9 inches 5/8" .625"L x 6-32 Length 8" 3/4" .750"L x 6-32 Length 9" 7/8" .875"L x 6-32 Length 10" Length 10.5 inches Length 12 inches 1" x 6-32 Length 12" 1-1/8" 1.125"L x 6-32 Length 15 inches 1-1/4" 1.250"L x 6-32 Length 16.5 inches 1-3/8" 1.375"L x 6-32 Length 18 inches 1-1/2" 1.500"L X 6-32 6-32 x 3/16" [90272A143] 6-32 x 1/4" [90272A144] 6-32 x 5/16" [90272A145] 6-32 x 3/8" [90272A146] 6-32 x 7/16" [90272A147] 6-32 x 1/2" [90272A148] Length 24 inches 6-32 x 5/8" [90272A150] 6-32 x 3/4" [90272A151] 6-32 x 7/8" [90272A152] 6-32 x 1" [90272A153] 6-32 x 1-1/4" [90272A155] 6-32 x 1-1/2" [90272A157] 6-32 x 2" [90272A159]
Resistor Values
100 Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R100OHM] 470 Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R470-OHM] 1.0K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R1.0K] 2.2K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R2.2K] 4.7K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R4.7K] 10K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R10K] 100K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R100K] 220K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R220K] 300K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R300K] 360K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R360K] 470K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R470K] 680K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R680K] 1.0M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R1.0M] 1.3M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R1.3M] 1.5M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R1.5M] 2.2M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R2.2M] 2.7M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R2.7M] 3.3M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R3.3M] 3.6M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R3.6M] 3.9M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R3.9M] 4.3M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R4.3M] 4.7M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R4.7M] 47K Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R47K] 5.1M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R5.1M] 5.6M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R5.6M] 6.2M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R6.2M] 6.8M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R6.8M] 7.5M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R7.5M] 8.2M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R8.2M] 9.1M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R9.1M] 10M Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor [R10M]
SMA Connector
All Right-Angled SMA Straight SMA
Select Plug Type
All UK 3Pin Plug EU 2Pin Plug
Theme Options
Seasonal Hazards Geek
Resistor Bundle Sets
Resistor Bundle Set One [RB1] Resistor Bundle Set Two [RB2] Resistor Bundle Set Three [RB3] Resistor Bundle Set Four [RB4] Resistor Bundle Set Five [RB5] Resistor Bundle Set Six [RB6] Resistor Bundle Set Seven [RB7]
Choose size
1 x 2 Pin Straight 1 x 3 Pin Straight 1 x 4 Pin Straight 1 x 5 Pin Straight 1 x 6 Pin Straight 1 x 8 Pin Straight 10 Teeth, .250" Bore [615376] 10 Teeth, 6mm Bore [615384] 16 Teeth, .250" Bore [615378] 16 Teeth, 6mm Bore [615386] 5/64" Allen Wrench (8-pack) Intake Roller (2-pack) Intake Roller (8-pack) 3/32" Allen Wrench (8-pack) NEMA 14 Standard Hitec Spline 24T NEMA 17 Standard Spline 25T (Futaba) NEMA 23
Select Voltage Trigger
1381C (2.0 - 2.2V) 1381E (2.2 - 2.4V) 1381J (2.7 - 2.9V) 1381L (3.0 - 3.3V) 1381N (3.4 - 3.7V) 1381Q (3.8 - 4.1V) 1381S (4.0 - 4.3V) 1381U (4.6 - 4.9V) MCP112-450
Capacitor Value
CP0.001UF CP0.01uF CP0.1uF CP0.22uF CP0.47uF CP1.0uF
Communication Protocol
AGC-CTR-001-ENIP Ethernet/IP AGC-CTR-001-MTCP Modbus TCP AGC-CTR-001-ECAT EtherCAT AGC-CTR-001-DNET DeviceNet AGC-CTR-001-CANO CANopen UNI-CTR-001-ENIP Ethernet/IP UNI-CTR-001-MTCP Modbus TCP UNI-CTR-001-ECAT EtherCAT UNI-CTR-001-DNET DeviceNet UNI-CTR-001-CANO CANopen UNI-CTR-001-PNET ProfiNet UNI-CTR-001-PBUS ProfiBUS AGS-001-ENIP Ethernet/IP AGS-001-MTCP Modbus TCP AGS-001-ECAT EtherCAT AGS-001-DNET DeviceNet AGS-001-CANO CANopen AGS-001-PNET ProfiNet
End Effector Mechanical Couplings
Wrist Adapter Plates
Robotiq Device Cable
CBL-COM-2053-05 CBL-COM-2053-10 CBL-USB-2057 CBL-COM-2062-15 CBL-COM-2062-30
All With Ethernet No Ethernet
Left Hand Propeller Right Hand Propeller Flat Channel Bracket 585468 Dual Flat Bracket 585422 90⁰ Single Channel Bracket 585424 45⁰ Single Channel Bracket 585436 45⁰ Dual Bracket 585426 90⁰ Single Short Bracket 585506 Channel Bracket A 585484 Channel Bracket B 585482 Channel Bracket C 585480 90⁰ Hub Bracket A 585494 Center Hole Adaptors Standard Servo Plate C 575144 Standard Servo Plate D 575148 90⁰ Angle Bracket A 585532 Pair Channel Connector Plate A 545532
Specification Option
i00600, 1044:1, 270 deg with microcontroller, 90 deg w/ RC radio i00800, 536:1, 270 deg with microcontroller, 90 deg w/ RC radio i01853, 1044:1, Unlimited Range of Rotation, Open Loop Velocity i01854, 536:1, Unlimited Range of Rotation, Open Loop Velocity i01855, 1044:1, 270 deg with microcontroller, 90 deg w/ RC radio i01800, 536:1, 270 deg with microcontroller, 90 deg w/ RC radio i01856, 1044:1, 270 deg with microcontroller or RC radio i01857,536:1, 270 deg with microcontroller or RC radio
Belt Length/Teeth
5 inch / 25T 6 inch / 30T 7 inch / 35T 8 inch / 40T 9 inch / 45T 10 inch / 50T 11 inch / 55T 12 inch / 60T 13 inch / 65T 14 inch / 70T 15 inch / 75T 16 inch / 80T 17 inch / 85T 18 inch / 90T 19 inch / 95T 20 inch / 100T 21 inch / 105T 22 inch / 110T 23 inch / 115T 24 inch / 120T 25 inch / 125T 26 inch / 130T 27 inch / 135T 28 inch / 140T 29 inch / 145T 30 inch / 150T 31 inch / 155T 32 inch / 160T 33 inch / 165T 34 inch / 170T 35 inch / 175T 36 inch / 180T 37 inch / 185T 38 inch / 190T 39 inch / 195T 40 inch / 200T 41 inch / 205T 42 inch / 210T 43 inch / 215T 44 inch / 220T 45 inch / 225T 46 inch / 230T 47 inch / 235T 48 inch / 240T
1" Diameter, 1/2" Bore 2" Diameter, 1/2" Bore 3" Diameter, 1" Bore 6mm ID 8mm ID 8mm REX ID 4mm ID 5mm ID
Tooth, Pitch & Outside Diameter
88 Tooth, P.D.1.3750", O.D.1.406" Part #KHN64-36-88 96 Tooth, P.D.1.5000", O.D.1.531" Part #KHN64-36-96 100 Tooth, P.D.1.5625", O.D.1.594" Part #KHN64-36-100 104 Tooth, P.D.1.6250", O.D.1.656" Part #KHN64-36-104 108 Tooth, P.D.1.6875,O.D.1.719 Part #KHN64-36-108 112 Tooth, P.D.1.7500,O.D.1.781" Part #KHN64-36-112 116 Tooth, P.D.1.8125", O.D.1.844"Part #KHN64-36-116 120 Tooth, P.D.1.8750", O.D.1.906" Part #KHN64-36-120 124 Tooth, P.D.1.9375", O.D.1.969" Part #KHN64-36-124 128 Tooth, P.D.2.0000", O.D.2.031" Part #KHN64-36-128
Spline Choice
All Futaba Hitec
MX64SA Options
No servos With MX-64R Servos With MX-64T Servos
MX106SA Options
No servos With MX-106R Servos With MX-106T Servos
Package size
2 students 8 students 16 students 30 students
Select # of Teeth
12 Teeth 16 Teeth 20 Teeth 24 Teeth 32 Teeth 13 Teeth 16 Teeth 48 Teeth 14 Teeth 24 Teeth 64 Teeth 15 Teeth 32 Teeth 72 Teeth 16 Teeth 76 Teeth 17 Teeth 80 Teeth 18 Teeth 84 Teeth 19 Teeth 20 Teeth 21 Teeth 22 Teeth 23 Teeth 24 Teeth 25 Teeth 26 Teeth 27 Teeth 28 Teeth 30 Teeth 29 Teeth 32 Teeth 34 Teeth 36 Teeth 38 Teeth 40 Teeth 44 Teeth 48 Teeth 52 Teeth 54 Teeth 56 Teeth 60 Teeth 64 Teeth 66 Teeth 72 Teeth 84 Teeth 96 Teeth 100 Teeth
Select Stroke
10mm 30mm 50mm 100mm 140mm 150mm 200mm 300mm
Select Ratio
22:1 30:1 35:1 50:1 63:1 64:1 100:1 150:1 210:1 256:1
7 Kilos 14 Kilos 1 Kilo 3 Kilos 5 Kilos 250 Kilos 500 Kilos 750 Kilos 1000 Kilos 1500 Kilos 60 Kilos 75 Kilos 140 Kilos 200 Kilos 70 Kilos 90 Kilos 120 Kilos 80 Kilos 100 Kilos 160 Kilos 150 Kilos
Bore size
0.375 inches 0.25 inches 1/4" 1/4" D 0.5 inches 4mm 5mm 5mm Hex 6mm 6mm D 8mm 8mm REX 10mm 12mm 12mm REX 14mm 15mm 21mm 22mm 32mm 36mm 25mm 1"
Beam Length
8mm 16mm 24mm 32mm 40mm 48mm 56mm 64mm 72mm 80mm 88mm 96mm 104mm 120mm 128mm 136mm 144mm 152mm 168mm 176mm 184mm 192mm 232mm 240mm 280mm 328mm 432mm 43mm 216mm 264mm 288mm 336mm 384mm 528mm