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4A DC Motor Phidget

£47.52 £39.60

Control a single DC motor up to 4A with this compact and affordable Phidget.

  • Connects to a VINT port.


The DCC1002 gives you complete control of one medium to large DC motor from one of the ports on your VINT hub. You can control motor velocity, acceleration and braking strength using commands from your software. The compact and enclosed form factor of the DCC1002 makes it easy for this Phidget to fit in smaller projects while still controlling motors with current ratings of up to 4 amps.

Quadrature Encoder Input

This controller comes equipped with an encoder input that can read in the quadrature signal from an encoder attached to the shaft of your motor. Using the MotorPositionController object in our API, you can use the encoder to implement a PID control loop.

Reliability and Protection

A built in heatsink on this controller prevents it from overheating during operation.

The VINT port on this device is isolated from the rest of the board, greatly improving reliability and eliminating ground loops. Your VINT Hub and computer will also be safe in the event of a current spike coming back from the motor.

The power terminals on this device are polarity protected: if you happen to hook up the power supply backwards, the device simply won't power up and won't be damaged. There is also a 5A fuse included on-board to protect the controller in an over-current event.

Board Properties

Controlled By


Controller Properties

Motor Type

DC Motor

Number of Motor Ports


Acceleration Min

0.1 % Duty Cycle/s

Acceleration Max

100 % Duty Cycle/s

PWM Frequency

25 kHz

Sampling Interval Min

100 ms/sample

Sampling Interval Max

60 s/sample

Acceleration Resolution

0.1 Duty Cycle/s

Velocity Resolution

0.001 Duty Cycle

Current Limit Resolution

5.6 mA

Acceleration Time Min

20 ms

Acceleration Time Max

20 s

Electrical Properties

Continuous Motor Current Max

4 A

Supply Voltage Min

8 V DC

Supply Voltage Max

30 V DC

Current Consumption (Unconfigured)

(VINT Port) 500 μA

Current Consumption Max

(VINT Port) 2 mA

Power Consumption (Unconfigured)

288 mW

Power Consumption

motor power plus 700 mW

Encoder Interface

Number of Encoder Inputs


Encoder Interface Resolution


Count Rate Max

400000 pulses/s

Sampling Interval Min

50 ms/sample

Sampling Interval Max

60 s/sample

Encoder Input Low Voltage Max

2.4 V DC

Encoder Input High Voltage Min

2.6 V DC

Time Resolution

1 μs

Physical Properties

Recommended Wire Size

16 - 26 AWG

Operating Temperature Min

-40 °C

Operating Temperature Max

85 °C